Sustaining Creativity Podcast


Mari Reisberg/Max Peterson Season 1 Episode 71

Creativity through the lens of an entertainer, former pro wrestler and entrepreneur

"Creativity is Life!"

Brimstone has had a successful and rewarding career spanning well over four decades; participating in numerous entertainment fields boasting a list of titles including professional wrestler, radio host/professional podcaster, actor, voice actor, author, musician, philanthropist, food critic, horror model, and comic book/animated/children’s book/video game hero. He’s been called a Renaissance man by many, but more accurately described as a well seasoned entertainer and serial entertainment entrepreneur.

Brim prides himself in acting as a spokesperson for the Stan Lee Foundation, Jaime Isaacs Foundation, RADD (Rockers Actors and Athletes against Driving Drunk), and an annual guest speaker for Celebrity Sports Night and LILTA’s Men’s Conferences aimed at paving educational paths for young men. Whether it be poking fun at himself by shucking clams, or visiting the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation to give out stuffed animals and spend time with the kids – Brim has a heart of gold and will do just about anything to support a good cause.

Insta: @therealbrimstone


Twitter: @ entrancetohell


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